What Conditions Do Chiropractors Treat?
Chiropractors are specialists in treating different conditions of the joints as well as the spine. They commonly treat head, neck and back pain, but there is more to a chiropractor than just popping necks and realigning spines. Like age-old healers, they’re able to treat different conditions such as allergies, muscle tightness, stiffness, headaches, stress, sports injuries and more. They’re also the ones to seek when suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome as not all cases need surgery to be corrected.
What Can Chiropractors Do?
There are different procedures that chiropractors are able to perform, and knowing the range of services offered by one can help you to determine if they are the best one to see. The most common procedures include chiropractic adjustment and spinal manipulation. These are done to help relieve stress in different parts of the body, allowing it to move freely and in the range of motion.
Chiropractors typically use only their hands for most treatments and exercises. However, they will sometimes make use of different tools such as adjusting instruments, electrotherapy and ultrasound. Additionally, your chiropractor will be able to make recommendations on lifestyle and dietary changes where your overall health is concerned.
What Would Merit Seeing a Chiropractor?
As mentioned earlier, pain doesn’t always mean having to see a chiropractor. It’s considered healthy to receive regular care or maintenance, as many people will experience some form of pain for any given reason. If your pain is chronic and has been occurring with increasing intensity, that would be reason enough to seek chiropractic care. Additionally, athletes need to see a chiropractor regularly for non-invasive and non-surgical alternatives to treat joint and muscle pain or other related injuries.
How Will I Be Diagnosed?
If the cause of pain or the condition isn’t readily known, the chiropractor may do a series of tests to find out what is causing the problem. An ultrasound or an MRI may even be recommended in extreme cases. However, more often than not, patients are just asked to do different kinds of movements involving specific muscles or joints. If you have difficulty performing certain tasks, it will help the doctor to identify the extent of the injury.
How Long Does Treatment Take?
The length of treatment depends on the severity of the condition as well as the location. For example, in some cases of back pain, electrotherapy is recommended in addition to physical exercises. On the other hand, if all that’s needed is a simple realignment, it could just be monitoring and maintenance for the next couple of months. It would only be to see if the condition reoccurs and what else can be done for it.
Does the Chiropractor Accept Insurance?
Payments and fees are often a big concern for many people, so it’s advisable to ask the chiropractor if they accept health insurance. More than likely they will as most insurance companies cover the expense of chiropractic visits. You can also call your insurance provider to inquire about what type of coverage you have.
Can Children Be Treated?
In most cases, yes. Children can and should be treated by a chiropractor, especially if it’s done as an alternative to surgery. The spine and joints of children are still developing and can be easily adjusted. Conversely, children can be more prone to injury when engaging in sports or other physical activities.